Summer Flowers and Scrummy Cakes

June! The beginning of Summer. A month of roses, strawberries and peas fresh from the pod. So much to enjoy. Sunny days and warm evenings to look forward to.

Meanwhile, there’s much to do in the garden. Slugs and snails are a problem this year. Just managing to keep on top of them but they’re having a feast on my lupins. Weeds galore! Lots of loveliness though.

The “Veilschenblau” rose is scrambling prettily through one of the pear trees. It has an unusual purpley flower and although it’s a bit temperamental I love to see it when it performs well. “Paul’s Scarlet” is also blooming now with rich red flowers and my favourite campanulas have self-seeded everywhere with their wonderful blue bells.

I have planted celeriac, “Prinz”, in the polytunnel to grow for next winter. I don’t give them much space as I haven’t enough room but I don’t need big vegetables. I’m only cooking for two and we don’t eat big meals. Tennis ball size is fine for adding extra interest to food. I’m not aiming for super-size veg. Taste and texture are the important things to go for.

Potatoes are looking good. By the middle of the month I will scratch the soil away to find delicious small new potatoes. Fabulous with fresh mint sauce. Planted “Ulster Sceptre” in March. The leaves look healthy and the flowers are lovely.

Bit disappointed with my garlic this year. I had just a small harvest and about eight bulbs had rotted. The remaining ones will not last for long. Gardening is always a gamble even with care and attention. The few I have will taste good though. They have a fresher, sweeter taste than shop-bought garlic.

I used the last of the cabbages. I made my cheesey potato bake. Steamed the cabbage over the boiling potatoes then made mash with Cheshire cheese crumbled in with a spoonful of soured cream. I spread the cabbage in the dish, sometimes I add onions sauteed in the microwave first, then I spread the mash on top. Baked in the air-fryer for 15 minutes at 150C. The topping is crisp and toasty. Lancashire cheese is also good for this. Cheddar can be used but needs to be grated before mixing into the mash. A simple, satisfying and economical meal. One of our favourites with some chutney.

Foxgloves have been wonderful this year. I even found three growing in one of the polytunnels. Couldn’t bear to throw them out, so they’ve flowered. In the garden a lovely collection sprang up from seed blown by the wind.

Poppies are putting on a show. The Welsh poppies have been abundant this year, in glorious yellow or orange. Their silken petals shine out on even the gloomiest day. The oriental poppies are fabulously dramatic with their scarlet and black flowers.

Other lovely things have caught my eye.

On a wet day, I tried my latest idea for cakes.

These are another variation of my Sweet-Treat Squares. I’m so pleased with them. Here is my recipe if you’d like to try them. You will need a large, greased, baking tin. I use a roaster, 30 x 25cm (12 x 10 inches).

Orange and Sultana Squares

1 small Orange
80g Sultanas
4 large Eggs
200g Golden Sugar
215g Self-raising Flour
2 rounded teaspoons Baking Powder
15g Bran
200g Sunflower Oil

Grease the tin with a little oil.
Boil the kettle. Place sultanas in a heatproof bowl or jug and pour boiling water over them. Leave to soak.
Scrub the orange, then grate onto a chopping board.
Heat the oven to 180C or 160C for a fan oven.
Put all the other ingredients into a mixing bowl.
Add grated orange zest.
Mix well.
Drain the sultanas and add to the mixture. Mix again.
Spread in the greased tin and bake for 25 minutes.
Check it's baked in the middle by inserting a skewer. If it comes out clean, it's done.
Or press the middle gently, if it springs back it's done.
Allow to cool, then cut into squares.

Delicious orange flavour, juicy sweet sultanas and a lovely crumby texture. They freeze well if you need to keep some.

I love my Art Deco pottery. Bits I’ve collected over many years from charity shops and flea markets. Lovely colours and patterns.

I hope the weather will be kind to us now. Enjoy whatever comes your way and cherish every moment while the sun shines.

With you again in a couple of weeks. Bye for now.

Published by Earthy Homemaker

I'm a wife, mother, cook, gardener and painter. I have a lot of experience that I would like to share with others.

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