Wine, Festive Flan, and the Autumn Garden

Making the Christmas cake is my idea of celebrating my November birthday. My daughter Sam helps me. It’s a tradition we began years ago and we love to do it. The kitchen smells of Christmas as we chop and mix together. If you would like the recipe, you’ll find it by scrolling back to myContinue reading “Wine, Festive Flan, and the Autumn Garden”

Pickles, Wood-ash and Knitted Toys

A few years ago, my daughter Samantha persuaded me to write a blog. Sounded scary and far too technical for me but eventually I gave it a try and this month marks the third anniversary of those first steps. I’m so grateful for the lovely responses from my readers. Without them it would be aContinue reading “Pickles, Wood-ash and Knitted Toys”

Problems, Pleasures and Pie

October. Time for misty mornings and the sound of rustling leaves as Autumn sweeps in. The garden is winding down and other activities fill my thoughts as Christmas edges nearer. Before the festive season occupies my time though I have jobs to do in the garden. I have kale to plant out and broad beanContinue reading “Problems, Pleasures and Pie”

Autumn Pleasures and Quick Food

It feels more like Autumn now that October has begun. A mellow atmosphere in the air and hints of colour in the leaves. Time to think ahead in the garden for winter food and hardy flowers. For us, the last days of September were sunny and warm. The garden was full of bees and butterflies.Continue reading “Autumn Pleasures and Quick Food”

Seasonal Changes and Preserving Tips.

Halfway through September and the mood has changed in the garden. Leaves litter the paths and sunny spells are followed by damp mornings. A sense of winding down pervades the air. The asters are putting on their early autumn show. Their lovely shades of colour, from softest lilac to deep purple, make them some ofContinue reading “Seasonal Changes and Preserving Tips.”

Fruity Harvest and Fruit Cake

September already. A mellow month full of fruity scents and a feeling of change in the air. The aroma of apples is wonderful when they’re gathered in the shed. The perfume is heady as you open the door and the delicious smell fills your nose. I’ve already used windfalls in my apple and cinnamon squaresContinue reading “Fruity Harvest and Fruit Cake”

Garden Finds, Sewing Treasures and Lovely Boxes

Almost the end of August. Making the most of the last Summer days and the benefits of the season. The rudbeckias are glowing, fuchsias are gracefully showing their frilly petals, the asters are beginning to open their lovely daisy flowers and the veronicas have pretty spikes of pink and mauve. It’s good to see theContinue reading “Garden Finds, Sewing Treasures and Lovely Boxes”